What Does a Health Coach Do?

October 14, 2021 admin

Health and wellness coaches are professionals that form partnerships with clients to support them in discovering, clarifying and achieving their goals. They have a primary focus on helping clients attain and sustain behaviors and internal states that conform with evidence-based healthy lifestyle practices.

So, in plain terms, what does that mean? Health Coaches come from diverse backgrounds, often from health or allied health fields, and have completed a specific health and wellness coach training educational program. This distinguishes them from executive and life coaches who focus on improving work performance, and life.

The health coach will interact with you one-on-one, or in a group setting, either live, by telephone, or through ZOOM or something similar. First, they are going to learn about you, and what is driving your desire to change. Next, they will take you through a process where you will clarify, then visualize the future you want. Then, coach will help you mobilize inner strengths and resources, and leverage people, institutions and environments to enable your success. Potential obstacles will be identified and addressed. Over time, the coach will support you in taking the necessary steps to reach your goal, and they will hold you accountable.

The coach is not going to do a lot of teaching or talking, nor are they going to judge you. The coaching process is founded on a respect for your self-determination and your internal wisdom. They will empower you by recognizing that this is your journey of self-discovery, and you are the expert on your life. Also understand that coaching is not psychotherapy. Coaches don’t diagnose illness or prescribe medications. Coaching is about long-term behavioral change that is within your personal control. Coaches are not going to “fix” you, or dwell on the past. They will help you build on personal strengths and strategies that are working. Health Coaches are there to help you go beyond what you would do alone.

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